Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Update

Bullet point update, go!

  • I saw a Korean with a beard. Yes, it was a man. This took me by surprise(uh) because I didn't think Koreans were capable of growing full beards.
  • I got a coffee mug for school because I was urged to stop wasting paper cups. This is it:
  • It says, "My lovely puppy is best friend. Lovely puppy. Puppy is best friend happy for your life." Do you see a puppy on this mug? No, just FOOTBALL. I couldn't have thought up a better mug to use for school.
  • I don't know if it was the octopus, the soju, or the espresso I had before bed on Monday night, but Tuesday morning after some weird dreams, I awoke early and inspired. I'm totally serious. I had ideas for like three songs and I know what I'm going to paint for the first five paintings I do after I get paid. And this was before I even got out of bed that morning.
  • I saw the Korean version of Tommy Wiseau.
  • One of the most disgusting looking men alive. I feel so sorry for both him and his Korean counterpart. I wonder if Koreans would tell him he bely handsome.
  • Teaching is growing on me for sure. I cooked up some ideas for all the broadcasts I have to do this semester and I'm actually excited for the extra classes I'll be doing. It's like doing a fun school project every day. I'm sure the novelty will wear off.
  • This is the cover of my 6th grade teacher's guide:
  • Doesn't it look like the jealous black kid is in the midst of punching all the rich white kids in the flying pencil and giving them black eyes? Stereotypes are now globalized. Also, doesn't it look like the kids in the flying pencil are totally stoned? No wonder they're flying in a pencil through the sky. These thoughts came long before the unanswered question as to why there are no Korean looking children on the front. Oh, I have the answer. Because Korean children can't speak English, they don't smoke pot, nor do they hang out with flying black people.
  • I saw a Korean wearing a San Francisco Giants hat but also wearing a New York Yankees jacket. No team loyalty.
  • I had a dream wherein I was the leader of a Revolutionary War reenactment army and we had friendly competition with the British reenactment army. There was no specific battle we were reenacting, we just battled. And the town we did it in was totally awesome. All built for the period and it definitely could not exist in real life. Anyway, I never found out who won, but true to history, my army was totally ragtag and craptastic. I didn't even have a horse. I had to run everywhere.
  • I downloaded Flight of the Conchords season 2 and Weeds seasons 4 and 5. I have some TV shows to watch, boyeeeeeeeeee.
  • Public urination: Don't do it. Spread the word and maybe Korea will catch on some day.
Bullet point update, stop!

1 comment:

  1. ZOMG. Steve if you get me anything from Korea, anything at all, please let it be that mug. I can even pay you for it. Please.

    Also, I really enjoyed the bullet-list form, way to switch things up a bit.

    The cover of your teacher's guide, along with your assessment of it =made my day.

    Did you see Bob E in your reenactment dream?


The Hardest Goodbyes

I had to post twice in a day. It's my final day in Korea and there are so many emotions running through ma veins, through ma brains. I u...