I'm having trouble coming up with anything noteworthy to write about today. Today was that mundane. Hell, I'm having trouble remembering what I even did today. Ok, I had classes. Four of them. They were all the same lesson. None of the kids did anything really outlandish. The same crap. Lots of "Herro!" and the like. Lunch was pretty crappy.
I tell you, pardon my French, but I am so sick and fucking tired of plain rice. It's fine when you add stuff to it, which I can do on half the days I eat lunch there, but today was another plain rice day. It's so bland and tasteless. I just shovel it into my mouth to get a full stomach. It's far from satisfying. I was telling my friend the other day that I miss getting that nasty, greasy base and a food coma from over eating really tasty food. I haven't experienced it since Papa John's on Saturday. No wonder the Koreans are all skinny. There's no grease! I'll have to hit up a Western chain soon for some comfort. I can feel it.
Man, talk about failing to deliver the goods today. I apologize, everybody. I probably shouldn't even write a post today, but it's kind of habit at this point. I heard Alex Chilton died. That kinda sucks. He was a pretty awesome dude. Honestly, I thought he died like 30 years ago, so I didn't even pay attention to his solo album output since then. Haha, joke's on me, I guess.
Tomorrow I have a DMOE (Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education) Welcome Dinner with all the fellow new Native English Teachers in Daegu. It should be pretty good, since I'm sure we'll go out partying afterwards. I hear there's gonna be a live band at the restaurant we go to, so remind me to let you know how that goes.
Also, I'm joining the badminton club at school. We meet every Wednesday and optionally on Thursday, so that should be at the very least an experience. I'm starting to get antsy to get out of Daegu. When I get paid next weekend I think I'm going to head to Seoul. I hope I actually get up there this time. It'll be nice for a change. And I definitely want to hit up Japan in April. Oh, the possibilities.
The weird dreams just keep coming, too. I had a dream last night that I ran into some like formerly famous black lady who was now old who lived in my apartment building. At first she was really cold to me because I was a white devil. But eventually my charms won her over and by the end of our interaction she kissed me on the cheek and gave me a bottle of wine (because she was still rich from her celebrity days). Also, apparently I was living in New Orleans or something, and there were these guys running around the building rampant just robbing everyone's apartment. Nobody thought to call the police. So we all just tried to avoid them in the halls and stuff. I definitely got shot at though. Very interesting dream. What does it all mean, Sigmund?
Ok, before I bore you to tears, I'm out. Hopefully Friday will be more eventful and I'll come to you with tales of table dances and rainbow lollipops.
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