I was at school yesterday when my co-teacher comes up to me and says, "your landlord called and he wants to fix your wall," and I say, "ok," and go about my business for the rest of the day, which consisted of watching a movie about food and teaching them how to make peanut butter, jelly, and banana sandwiches, which they really quite enjoyed after emphasizing how they thought it would be really gross based on the ingredients, and then we watched various groups of students perform that one goat play where the three goats try to cross a bridge and outsmart a troll who is trying to eat them and they really did a good job, as I was super impressed and showed it by clapping vigorously for each one and during the awards ceremony that followed.
We celebrated the end of our summer camp by having lunner at Outback Steak House. As soon as we passed through those doors, I felt like I left Korea and stepped back into America. That is to say, until we sat down and they started speaking in rapid Korean and the menu was in Korean and everyone else in the restaurant was Korean. At that moment I had a fit of laughter over the globalization of the world. An Australian themed American restaurant flourishing in South Korea. Three continents represented there. Not too shabby. If only an Englishman and a South African were with us.
So, I got home and stepped inside my apartuh, half forgetting that my landlord had called earlier. Much to my surprise and amazement, the mold problem had been fixed. He refinished the ceiling, put 70s style fake wood paneling around the base of the wall, fixed a light, and...washed my sheets!? Yes, Mr. Lee washed my sheets for me. It's like this guy was sent by the grace of God in a super powered rocket ship straight from heaven to treat me like a foreign 외국인 son or something. I tried to thank him and tell him he didn't need to do that, but he just winked and shushed me. I thought that would be the end of it, but then he starts yelling in Korean about how I, too, can prevent mold from happening if I just follow his easy, incoherent Korean steps to a better standard of life. Out of his five minute speech, I understood when he said "school." I then started piecing the puzzle together and realized he wants me to open windows when I go to school every day. Perhaps also not sweat so much. Very hard to accomplish when there's 100% humidity every single day.
So, the weekend is upon me...in three hours. I spent the morning watching Cinema Paradiso on the big screen alone in my classroom. It was good, except for the awkward parts where people were making the sex with each other. I was watching this in an elementary school with surround sound, so all the glorious sounds of lovemaking echoed through the paper thin walls for anyone to hear. A little awkward. I had a peanut butter, jelly, and banana sandwich from leftover ingredients for lunch, and am currently on the fence about whether I should watch Serpico, Toy Story 3, or read. I suppose I could do work. Hahahahahahahhahahahahahaha!
Dude, your landlord rocks. Mail him over here so he can live with me for a while, cool?