Ok, this has gotten out of control. The time has come for themed posts. Since my weekend was fairly unremarkable unless your favorite thing to read about is alcohol and degenerates, I'm going to forgo even mentioning it and move on to a different subject.
Hmm...different subject. Ok, let's talk about this for a second:
This is an origami dragon. It's really good. Some people are really good at origami. My students, however, are not. This may be attributed to the fact that they are not anything above 11 years old. Some of them, I'm convinced, are poor at origami because they are satan's spawn. It's the only explanation possible. I think they used to use origami as a test for witches in the infancy of the American colonial period.
I think we've just about exhausted any conversation capable of being had about origami. New subject. Um...
Ah, here we go. We can always fall back on good old North Korea...
Satellite image of the Korean peninsula at night. So, top left of South Korea is the Seoul/Incheon metropolitan area. Bottom right on the coast is Busan, and right above it in that big glob that looks like it belongs on Mikhail Gorbachev's head is Daegu. Notice how bustling North Korea is. At least it'll be easy to spot Pyeongyang when we're nuking it. I'm just kidding. Despite many individuals in America's military being overly eager to bring down the North Korean regime once and for all through violence, I don't think it would be a good idea. I think the North Koreans can do themselves in just fine. Just look at the map, they're already down to one dot of life. They're in the third stage of flashing and spiralling out of control in the corner.
The big question I have is this: when North Korea is in its death throes, will it launch a kamikaze style attack on South Korea so that it can more easily be annexed into China? It's such a tricky situation. I doubt China would let North Korea fall into the hands of South Korea (basically, the U.S.), so it will most likely trigger a second Korean war. I could see, with the way sluggish governments are run by capitalism these days, that it would be us sending forces over to Korea and the Chinese sending forces over there to fight our forces, but we wouldn't be at war with China. No, no. That would ruin our economy and the top 1%'s portfolio. Meh, what am I talking about? I am just as sure that will happen as giant robots invading from space. Nobody knows what the future holds.
Ugh, ok, change of topic. This doesn't seem to be working out in my favor. Let's go for a subject that can't possibly get heavy and serious:

Aww, I'm not even going there. Next:

Ah, here we go. What's with public toilets in Korea (Seinfeld voice)? If you're lucky enough to get a throne, you still have to estimate how much toilet paper you're going to use before you begin your procedure. Sometimes, you have to pay for the TP out of a little dispenser. Oh, and don't even wish for two-ply. One ply or nothin, baby.
I don't know, we could get pretty serious about Patrick Swayze and horses. Ah, RIP Patrick.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, that's bullshit that you have to pay to wipe your own ass. with ONE PLY toilet paper, no less. Insulting. I'll bring my own roll over with me when I come to visit. Maybe two.