Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Final U.S. Post

Don't freak out, guys. This is my last U.S. post. I got this, though. I'm gonna make it just fine. Don't cry for me, Argentina. Jesus, Argentina always was a crybaby.

Anyway, I didn't update about yesterday. We finally got into the city (the city being San Francisco. The Frisco. SF. San Fran). Our first stop was Treasure Island, named after the novel by Adlai Stevenson (alias Robert Louis). Recognize this?::::

No? Ok, how about now?::::
No, Treasure Island was not a Nazi stronghold during the war, it was a naval base full of asbestos and uranium and later the place of an exterior establishing shot for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and later still a former Naval base full of asbestos and uranium. Eat it, Lucas! We figured out your nefarious plans to destroy San Francisco with uranium enriched asbestos!

So, after we discovered George Lucas' jowls of evil, we went to the de Young Museum, where the King Tut exhibit was on display. I don't know if I've ever seen so much gold outside of the Vatican. Unfortunately, they don't allow pictures in there or I would have gotten some for you folks. All two or three of yas. Crazy intricate carvings and inlay work. Anyway, they buried kings in tombs fit for kings.

The rest of the museum (the American art portion, anyway) was equally fascinating. Perhaps I just have a soft spot for art. Now tell me this painting doesn't look real. Seriously, when I came into the room it was displayed in, I thought it was actually sticking out of the wall. Does that make me gullible?
Also, this is made of glass:

And on the opposite end of the spectrum, this is made entirely from guns and ammo:
And this was made solely from dollar bills:

After dealing with the parking traffic, which seems to be the common problem in the Bay area, we hit Alamo Square, which you 80s children may recognize:

What got me is how crowded the park was. Full of young vibrancy. I would hate to live in one of those houses, always having young vibrancy staring at you while you're changing or on the phone or doing your laundry. On top of which, I bet those houses go for millions each. What the hell?

So, we went to a great Italian place called "Firenze by Night" for dinner. It was right by Chinatown, and the Chinese characters were making me a little nervous. At least the Pacific Ocean didn't crash into me today. How embarrassing!

I'll let you know how Korea is in a minute or two. Ciao! (Korean for...absolutely nothing.)


  1. Farewell Dear Brotha! Part of me wishes itwer me flying away on Swiftwind....but alas, it is you dear brotha, off to fulfill your personal legend. You go boy! Love you!!!

  2. YOU GOT THE FULL HOUSE SHOT!! So well done, sir, nicely played. Have an AMAZING journey, love ya bud! Talk to you soon!


The Hardest Goodbyes

I had to post twice in a day. It's my final day in Korea and there are so many emotions running through ma veins, through ma brains. I u...