Friday, October 8, 2010

The Rocktober 7th Modesty Contest

Let's see...what's important about October 7th? Edgar Allan Poe died on this day. Thom Yorke was born on this day. I think Etch-A-Sketch was introduced on this day. Coincidence? Probably. This isn't nearly as noteworthy as scratching square boobs into some aluminum powder, but it's my birthday on this day, too. Let's have a recap of my day.

I'm not sure whether it is ethical to accept gifts from students, but I have two arguments for it. 1. They are not spending exorbitant amounts of money (a pen, a little notepad, candy, another pen, a card, etc.). I couldn't accept something that cost more than $5 morally speaking. 2. I, in no way, affect their final grade in the class. Grading is up to the Korean teacher, so they can't bribe me. Anyway, some kids gave me gifts. They always wrote cute little notes accompanying them, like:

"Steven teacher. Happy Birthday!
My name is [student] from 4-3 class.
I hope you have best. You are so handsome.
You love [Korean co-teacher].
I think you and [Korean co-teacher] married.
Have beautiful life!"

How did she know I love married women 10 years older than me? There must be something in my eyes that says, "I love cougars."

Anyway, I had a great dinner at an Indian place, had some pleasant surprises, and had a good time with friends. I kept a pretty low profile this year, latching myself on to two other peoples' party and having it in Seoul. My impromptu "party" in Daegu consisted of four people, including myself. I didn't want to interrupt my friends' weekly movie night. So modest, aren't I? Or does my modesty get canceled out (modestly canceled out) because I mentioned my modesty? We need to consult some monk or something. Where's the nearest temple on the top of a mountain?

This post is rather short (modestly sized, I'd say), especially after waiting for so long for me to update. Fear not, for tomorrow I have a post scheduled and it will be much more entertaining. Prepare FOR!!!!! ... ... ... my first Korean wedding.

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