Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Restless Tuesday

Here do I sit
bored as a shit
hearing some crappy G'n'R
Why don't I change
to things less strange?
Because Axl Rose is a star.
I pressed the next
and in the text
it said Tom Waits was here to sing.
I can relate
closely of late
when I drink a Singapore sling.
Queen came after
and got laughter
from Good Ol' Fashioned Lover Boys
"But Freddie's dead,"
comes to my head
and I feel sad instead of joy.

Ok, that's enough. As you can tell, I don't have much to do. Yesterday, I came in to the classroom, played guitar for a while and worked on my Korean-English "guide dictionary" or whatever. Basically, I'm going to carry around a little notebook and add the Korean I learn into it so I can consult it when I need to. It's got all the snazzy little tidbits I've picked up in it so far. Highlights include:

무슨말인지물라 (Mooseun malinji mulla) = I don't know what you are talking about
닥쳐 (Dak chyeo) = Shut up!
는을 감으세요 (Neunul gameuseyo) = Close your eyes
예쁘다 (Yeppuda) = Beautiful (woman)
잠잘 시간이야 (Jamjal shiganiya) = It's time for bed (maybe use this directly after saying 예쁘다?)
개새끼 (Kaesaeggi) = Son of a bitch (what you say when the previous "beautiful, it's time for bed" line didn't work and you have an exotic fruit drink on your face)

There you go. Quick (and useful) Korean lesson for you. Now, go out to Annandale and use it whenever you can. I need to make it so I can switch to Hangeul on my laptop keyboard so I can insult people from the comfort of my apartment, too.

Other things I did yesterday at work when nobody else was there: read 120 pages in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, picked my nose, visited those websites you go to to pass time and then feel like a waste of life immediately afterwards, ate 자장명 (jajangmyeong) for lunch, contemplated bringing alcohol to work for Tuesday (regretfully I didn't), laid across four chairs for a power nap, watched the largest, freakiest looking, horned centipede thing I've ever seen crawl in and out of a urinal hole, and listened to probably too much music.

Today, I:

  • Played guitar
  • Told some random kids I don't want to play baseball with them
  • Wrote you an arguably retarded poem and an equally retarded blog post
  • Visited Facebook (ongoing)
  • Read another 120 pages in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (tentative)
  • Updated my Korean "guide dictionary" or whatever (tentative)
  • Cried from boredom (tentative)
  • Pulled a Breakfast Club in the library (tentative)
  • Got arrested (tentative)

I don't have any class on Friday either, which is perfect because I'll probably be too hungover to function anyway (the next Korea World Cup game is on, followed by some live music at a bar). We'll see how my Korean class goes that day. Ah, what a life. Peaks and valleys. Peaks and valleys.


  1. Great picture. That almost reminds me of the "Oh shit" look Bella always used to get on her face when she knew she was caught red-handed (or pawed?). Awwwwwww.

    Anyway, did you ever end up crying out of sheer boredom? Did you get arrested by the Korean police squad?

  2. Awwwhhhzzz (LOLz), N we all LuV R comps Cuz we CaN haZ Sleevez in it!

  3. No, I just sat there and read my book and ate at "Paris Baguette" for lunch. I didn't even pull a Breakfast Club. So disappointed in myself.


The Hardest Goodbyes

I had to post twice in a day. It's my final day in Korea and there are so many emotions running through ma veins, through ma brains. I u...