Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Forgive Me,, Readers

The alley that I live on has turned into an icy wind tunnel wherein Jack Frost breathes his cold, freezing farts that penetrate any number of layers I may be wearing that day. Why have you forsaken me, Korea?

In other alley news, why, suddenly, did I see pigeons yesterday? I didn't know birds existed in Korea. All those stray cats will make short work of them, surely.

Meat and potatoes time.

Meat and Potatoes
: On Sunday, I went to Sachoom, a dance musical that was part of the Korea In Motion Festival. There were no words (for the most part). We had to interpret it through body motion and the instincts of our soul. What I gathered is that the story was mostly about a boy who fell in love with some standard Korean hottie, but she was deciding between him and the school jerk based on their dance skills. Our hero could not dance, thus she went with the jerk. The jerk continued to be a jerk and his little dance entourage continued to show up the protagonist in their superior dance skills. Finally, our hero has a series of dreams in which his friend teaches him how to dance using poles and mops and buckets. In the end there is a dance-off between the jerk and his posse and the boy and his random new posse. They, I suppose, decide that they can both have the girl? and divvy up odd and even weekends, because they end up dancing together in a friendly way and the girl doesn't seem partial to either of them. Maybe it was a little over my head.

Guys, I've got more, but I've been sitting on this one paragraph for a week now. I truly have been kind of busy at work (surprisingly) so I haven't had the time to think fo random crap to post here. I do have things to update on. I just wanted to get this out because it's been a week since I last updated you on anything. Now I only have to update you on 5 days of activity as opposed to 7. Go me. And...I'msorryHey, look errybody! I've been working out and exercising and eating healthy!:
Psh. No, that's not a picture of Dolph Lundgren as He-Man...that's me. This candid photograph was taken one day in the classroom while I was thinking of how to say something very complex in Korean. I'm practically fluent, you know.

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